I assist companies in building an attractive employer brand through communication. One that engages employees, attracts new talent, and increases long-term profitability.
As a work-life influencer, I can also enhance your brand's visibility. My specialties include employer branding, work culture, and employee experience, with the ambitious goal of bringing quality to communication across the board.
LinkedIn in numbers
Collaboration and Media
- SVARA AI Agency: Näkökulma – Tekoälyn käyttö vaikuttaa työnantajamielikuvaan ⭐
- OP Kevytyrittäjä: Näin kevytyrittäjyys on parantanut Laurin ja Pian elämää – ”Ei enää ikinä palaverien täyttämiä työpäiviä”
- Sympa-webinaari 2.11.2023: Viesti siellä, missä tavoitat ihmiset – näin otat työyhteisöviestinnän haltuun
- Sympa: Kolme vinkkiä parempaan työyhteisöviestintään
- Johtavaa Sisältöä LIVE – Työnantajabrändäyksellä parhaat tyypit töihin
- Viesti Ry: Siltaaja vai asiantuntija? Tästä viestinnän työssä on todellisuudessa kyse
- Jyväskylän yliopisto: Sivusuuntaankin otetut askeleet voivat viedä kohti päämäärää
- Urasparraajat Ry: Miksi kannattaa olla kaikesta kiinnostunut? 4 syytä palkata generalisti
- Urasparraajat Ry: Onko 30 minuutin työhaastattelu aito mahdollisuus?
- Viesti Ry:n hallituksessa 2021–2023
Influencer marketing
As an active LinkedIn influencer, I promote your brand's awareness by emphasizing a human touch and interaction. My network includes a wide range of leaders and decision-makers throughout Finland. You can see the number of my followers, post views, and engagements on an annual basis above.
Strategic communication
I offer strategic communication planning and assist you in implementing impactful and high-quality communication.
Employer brand communication
I help build and develop a strong employer brand through strategic communication.
About me
I am a versatile communications professional. Throughout my career, I have worked in various areas, including employer branding, as well as engaging in tasks such as internal communications, media relations, public relations, and social media communications.
I have immersed my hands in that infamous clay while designing and implementing strategic communications and leading communication service teams. Additionally, I have served as editor-in-chief for organizations' social media channels and provided training in social media matters. I have also had the opportunity to work as an editorial secretary.
Prior to my career in communications, I worked as a researcher, preceded by my graduation with a Master's degree in Sociology in the field of social sciences. I have also studied business administration, journalism, and psychology. A few years ago, while working, I completed a degree in Media Production as a Bachelor of Business Administration.